Friday, February 14, 2020

Malaysian Banks Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Malaysian Banks - Term Paper Example One of the most premiere cases where it is not shariah compliant that it most incur loss and gains in the house or business regardless of circumstances. A notable case was noted when an individual went to the Bank and said he cannot pay, but the bank refused to sell his house. This is completely against shariah in which the bank must split the loss. Hence, the concept of shariah finance is extremely hard because each country wants some revenue when it comes to financial securities. For the sake of assurance, most banks sugarcoat this with hidden fees and even charge a higher interest rate that are usually hidden in original clause terms. The concept of ‘service fee’ is highly demised because it is a vague term that all Malaysian banks utilized. Before understanding this issue, it is cognizant to understand the elements that surround Islamic Banking. Without a doubt, the Islamic law dictates that the asset must not be a ribawi material or in the medium exchange of gold, not silver. Additionally, a contract between two or more parties to accumulate in partnership. HSBC Malaysian bank also is one of these banks that is not shariah approved because of this issue. Another bank that is not confirm with the shariah standards is the fact Citibank Malaysia. Citibank Malaysia also offers these instruments along with the JP Morgan Malaysia Ltd. These banks financial statements dictate that these credit statements must be approved the counsel that is Shariah Compliant. Schroders Malaysia  is also under the same scrutiny as they sell bonds and other financial instruments that charge an interest rate and are not compatible with equal loss or gain since all payments for purchases are made in money. It is clear that not all banks have the understanding to conduct shariah and even do have an approval, tend to look for their own understanding of financial security. Additionally, the banks make it very clear in clause and terms that

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Foreign policy issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Foreign policy issue - Essay Example It became USA’s foreign concern as it holds the mandate to safeguard world peace with its permanent status at the United Nation Security Council States. The major concern of the United States government is the chemical weapon aspect. In a survey by special united nation chemical weapon department, it was evident Syria is involved in chemical warfare. As part of the united nation resolution, the country had to intervene. The stability of Syria will ensure a step forward towards war on terrorism as the instability creates a breading ground for terrorist, this is evident in other countries including Somalia where the civil war has resulted to emergence of Alshabaab a terror militant group allied to the al-Qaida (Global Research, 2013). Any security threat to the world usually affects the USA, which has been under threat of terrorist and other attacks since their entrance in Afghanistan and Iraq. In ensuring world peace, potential threats must be dealt with in accordance to the signed agreements of the United Nation Security Council signatories. As the interference with matters in Syria, the states government has elicit mixed reaction and brushed shoulders with countries in Asia and Eastern Europe. Russia and Turkey, according to CNN(2013) has termed USA planned invention to the Syrian state as disrespectful. The main problem with the upraising is that USA has had to leave with the fear of breaking ties with its allies and conflict between them and Russia. Domestically there has been divided opinion on measures to take while tackling the Syrian issues. The opposition had voted and suggested for military intervention towards the Syrian matter, which the democrats suggests for a diplomatic approach. With the threat of chemical warfare, there is need for actions in regards to the Syrian issues, as its impact is always catastrophic as was the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While seeking a permanent